Gmail – How to monitor employees’ emails


I run a business and for most part I've been doing all by myself.
For the past year I've been working with another person so we used to cc each other in all emails in order to be always up to date with each and every order.

Things went well so far and I hired three other people. Thing is, they have just started and as much as I trust their capabilities I want to receive all sent and received emails at least until I know they can handle it all by themselves.

I arrange trips and events and contents vary a lot with mostly irregular requests that we have to find a way to work around. They still have a lot to learn and I can't just let them do it all.

Then again, I don't really want to ask them to put my (or my first coworker's) address in cc every single time they send out something.

Is there a way to either monitor all email or be put in bcc by default?

Or maybe this is the wrong way to do it and I should not be supervising all of it?

Any feedback would be appreciated!

Best Answer

Your coworkers can add you as their delegate, see Set up mail delegation from Google's documentation.

Then you'll be able to read mail that was sent to them.

This option requires each of your employees to explicitly set up you as their delegate.

Another option is to modify the domain level routing. This will let you add an additional recipient for all messages that are sent from or received at your domain.

See, and follow the steps as described:

  • Initial step: Go to Gmail advanced settings in the Google Admin console
  • Step 1: Enter email messages to affect
  • Step 2: Set up an envelope filter
  • On Step 3: Specify what happens to the messages you want to Add more recipients, and add your own email address.

Yet another option is Google Vault, which can be set up to store all messages that enters or leaves your domain. However, Google Vault is more geared towards archiving and searching for a single messages or set of messages, not so much for receiving messages real time.