Gmail – How to move Gmail’s Navigation Menu (Inbox, Sent, etc.) to the right of the email messages



Recently, I changed my Google products language from Hebrew to English. This caused the Gmail navigation menu (the one with Inbox, Sent, Trash, etc. options) to be posed to the left of the email messages rather than to their right.

It might seem strange, but I got used to viewing the menu to the right of the messages and want to keep this view.

I have been thoroughly searching Google, but the only displayed results are about changing the position of GChat or customizing the main/side panel options.


Here is my current Gmail inbox:
Current Gmail Inbox View English Language

and here is how (approximately) I want it to look:
Proposed Gmail Inbox View with Navigation Menu to Right of Email Messages

So, how can I have the navigation menu appear to the right of the messages without changing the language back to Hebrew?

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