Gmail – How to Open Emails in a New Tab


When using CTRL+Left Click to open emails in new tabs they are 'dependent' on the tab from which they were opened, which I don't want.

Example of problem:

  1. From Tab 1: Gmail inbox I CTRL+Left Click an email, and it opens in Tab 2: Email with an URL on the form

  2. I close Tab 1: Gmail inbox, and Tab 2: Email also closes, which is undesired. There are some other similar undesired effects of this dependent mode.

When an email is opened normally with just a Left Click the URL is on the form and the tab is completely independen of all other tabs.

I am looking for a convenient way of opening emails in new tabs that are independent from the tab from which it was opened.

Best Answer

there is the option to use old school basic view with URL:

then you can use freely even middle-button-mouse-click