Gmail – How to prevent Gmail from formatting our order numbers as IP addresses

gmailtext formatting

We send out e-mails to our customers containing an order number. Unfortunately Gmail thinks these numbers are IP addresses and turns them into hyperlinks:

In a regular e-mail-client:

Your order number is: 08.12.2013-61

In Gmail:

Your order number is: <a href="tel:08.12.2013-16" value="+49812201316" target="_blank">08.12.2013-61</a>

I don't want to Gmail to add this HTML tag to the e-mail.

Is there anything I can do when creating or sending the e-mail to prevent this formatting error?

There was a discussion if Google formats the number into a phone number or an IP number. That's not really important to me. It's neither type of number. I want to prevent Google from auto formatting our order number in any way.

Best Answer

At this time Gmail web UI only converts text that looks like a URL to hyperlinks. If a serial number that use periods as separators if being changed it's more likely that it's done by an add-on or extension, as was already mentioned in the comments by @AI_E.

The plug-in could be the Google's audio and video plug-in that is required by some browsers to use Google Voice or Hangouts video calls.
