Gmail – Remove Social, Promotions, Updates, Forums Labels in Gmail Compose Window


I would like to remove the labels "Social", "Promotions", "Updates", and "Forums", from the Gmail compose window.

Screenshot labels

Best Answer

They're not labels per se, but inbox categories. They're put into your labels list as a convenience, so that moving messages into or out of a category is easier. Moving a message into or out of a category informs Gmail how to categorize similar messages in the future.

You can turn them on or off in Settings > Inbox > Categories.

Unfortunately, you can't remove them from the labels list. Probably because even though you may not be using/showing them, Gmail still uses them. (This is true even when using an alternative Inbox option, like "Priority Inbox".

All messages are automatically labeled for the first 5 categories even if you don't show the categories in your inbox.

So, short of some possible HTML/CSS trickery in your local browser, you cannot remove these categories from the labels list. At least they're sorted to the bottom.