Gmail Search – How to Search Specific Email Without Flipping Through Pages


I tried to search for such a question on this website but did not find anything really concerning to my real question.

So, I have got Gmail and I have a lot of e-mails. There are like 4000 or thereabouts. (I have never deleted e-mails from the 'All Mail' default label.)
Now I would like to search for a specific e-mail and I tried to search for it by turning on the search toolbar (CTRL + F).

But I do not really remember where this one e-mail is located – there are plenty of pages and I really do not know which one it is in, hence I ought to flip through every page every time and see if something has been found (it is marked in yellow).

But one gets really knackered, you know. How many pages are there for more than 4000 e-mails? You do not want to know, neither do I.

So, is there any way to sort messages? Had I better use Python?!
I will post below an image of my Gmail account so it will be helpful.


Best Answer

No, you cannot change the sort of messages. They're always shown in date descending order.

Gmail is built on the premise that you don't need to delete anything and that the search powered by Google should help you find any message you could possibly want.

But you need to know what you're looking for. You can do a simple search on some text you know is in the message. If you know who it's from you can use in your search string. Did you happen to "star" the message so you could find it later? is:starred. Did Gmail mark it as "important"? is:important. Does it have an attachment? has:attachment. No? Then use negation: -has:attachment. Have you read it already? is:read. Do you remember about when you received it? Use the before: and after: search parameters.

There are a ton of search operators you can use to narrow your search. Have a look of the Gmail Advanced Search Operators support page for more. Use the operators in combination to find what you need:

This search will find all conversations containing "unique" and "text" that have been read, were received in May, and haven't been starred.

unique text is:read -is:starred after:2015/04/30 before:2015/06/01

For the future, use labels to organize your email so you can find it faster.

Gmail search box