Gmail – How to search in Gmail such that email address is also included


I searched for a car hire email in Google's Gmail, knowing the name of the company I had used. However, frustratingly, the email booking included a lot of images with their name, but the only text including their name was the email address. To be more specific for the purpose of clarifying the question, I searched for argus, and the email with booking details was

Searching for argus, only came up with emails where argus was mentioned in the content of the email.

Is there a way to look for the search string in both the content and email addresses?

Best Answer

From the Gmail search bar you can add various flags to narrow your search, e.g., from:argus "car hire" searches for the string "car hire" in any email from an address containing "argus". So if you know the email address but not its content you could search