Gmail – How to see a list of archived emails in Gmail in the order of when I archived them


The "Done" view in Inbox by Gmail (sunsetting in March 2019) allows me to review my recently archived emails, in the order I archived them (with the most recent at the top). Is there a search I can run in Gmail to get the same list?

Inbox even groups the emails by when you archived them: "Today", "Yesterday", "This month" etc. so Google must be storing the timestamp of when they were archived and therefore I'm hoping there's a way to sort my search using that timestamp. Even just getting the emails I archived today would be helpful.

I reviewed Google's article about advanced search, but don't see anything relevant.

Note: I'm not asking how to see archived emails, I know that I can click on "All Mail".

Best Answer

There isn't. In Gmail are all archived emails under All Mail folder, which contains all archived emails as well as everything else. Best you can do is search for: -in:inbox which could get you what you need, however not in the order you archived your messages.

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