Gmail – How to see Google Calendar from GMail


My GMail used to have a side-widget that showed my upcoming Google Calendar events. A few months ago they removed it because (???). Now the only way to see my upcoming events is to manually view my calendar, which is a huge pain.

Is there any way to re-enable it, or add something with similar functionality?

Best Answer

EDIT (following your comment)

Hmm, then I can't find it anywhere. My Gmail looks nothing like that screenshot

You probably have your Side Panel hidden.
Go to the bottom right corner and unhide it.

Gmail Side Panel

Original answer

You mentioned:

GMail used to have a side-widget that showed my upcoming Google Calendar events...
...any way to re-enable it, or add something with similar functionality?

You can still see your upcoming events once you click on the little calendar icon on the top right corner of your screen and choose Schedule

View future/upcoming Google Calendar events from Gmail