Gmail – How to Send an Email to a List Without Revealing Other Addresses

I have a group of friends and family that I would like to send an email to, but I don't want everyone to see everyone's email address at the top. How do I do this?

Best Answer

What you're looking to use is the "Blind Carbon Copy" or Bcc for short option. Here's how you use it:

  1. Create a new message by selection + New:

    enter image description here

  2. Select the Bcc button:

    enter image description here

  3. Enter any contacts into the newly created box (directly below the Bcc and not the To):

    enter image description here


  1. Create a new message by selecting Compose:

    enter image description here

  2. Select the Bcc button:

    enter image description here

  3. A new line will appear where you can add the recipients:

    enter image description here