Gmail – How to Set Up a Mailing List


I'm the secretary for my university Chess Club. I need to be able to send emails to ~70 people about once or twice a week (possibly with attachments and using BCC).

I have set up a Gmail account for this purpose. However, it thinks I'm sending spam so is blocking the emails. Looking at the Google guidelines, it seems that I should make a Google Group. However, that would require people to signup for a Google Account and then sign up to the Google Group.

I need a simple and free way to send mass emails to everyone who is on the Chess Club email list. Can I do this with Gmail? What is the best option?

Related but different: How do I set up a small mailing list / newsletter with Gmail?

Best Answer

This is how I understand your requirements:

  • One way communication. You send everybody an email with a short message, and an attachment.
  • They can't see other peoples email address, because you use bcc. So they can't send emails to each other
  • You don't want them to have to register for anything, like Twitter or Facebook.

It looks like you will need to use something like mailchimp, If you are getting rejected by Gmail.

I am not sure why Gmail would reject your emails because 70 people 2x a week is not a large volume.