Setup a Group in Google Apps for Business to Email All Employees


I am running Google Apps for Business for managing our organization emails.

I want to setup an email such as and when sending an email to this email address, all team members will get the email in the same time.

How can I do that?

Best Answer

You need to create an organisation-wide group from your Google Apps control panel:

Here's how to create an organization-wide group:

  1. Create a new group. Learn more
  2. On the "Create a new group" page, click Add all users within [organization name] to this group.

The group's member list now includes a special member called All users within organization name.

You can edit the groups access settings or delete it, just like any other group. However, you can't edit the members within the All users member.

Tip: To prevent spam being sent to everyone in your domain, allow only group owners and managers to send messages to a group that has the All users member.

Quoted from Apps Administration Help, here.