Gmail Search – How to Show All Messages with Any Label in Gmail


I want to see a list of all mail that has any label, including the inbox label. This is similar to the All Mail view, except All Mail also shows archived messages. I don't want to see the archived messages (there are over 9000)… just messages with a label.

If you search Google, it will consistently misinterpret the query no matter how you phrase it and pollute the results with plenty of posts about how to present messages with no label. This would be the "All Mail" view, and is not helpful to me.

How can I do this?

Best Answer

Gmail has user created labels and system labels. inbox is one of the system labels.

To search for email with

  • user created labels use: has:userlabels

  • user created labels or inbox label use: has:userlabels | in:inbox
