Gmail – How to skip to the first unread conversation in a long list


OK, so you know when you subscribe to a fairly active mailing list and then don't read it for say, a couple of years? Yeh, I could just mark all as read and get on with my life, but say I like reading…

I have all the messages labelled and when I select the label Gmail says I have 2500 (out of about 8000) messages unread. Just to get to the page with the first unread message on it I have to hit the "next page" link about a bajillion times. So is there a way to skip straight there?

btw. Filtering so I'm just showing unread messages and hitting the "oldest" link won't work because Gmail lazilly evaluates filters and doesn't show the "oldest" link when anything more complex than label:whatever is in use.

Best Answer

If you know at around which date the first message was sent, you can filter with the before: keyword (or approximate it, at least it will reduce the size of the list to navigate through.

label:mailinglistname before:2008/01/01