Gmail – How to stop important emails in Gmail from going into Trash


Right now, I am in a big problem with Gmail and I really need someone to help me.
All my important emails are going directly into the trash without my notice. Let me tell you with an example.

I receive newsletters daily from info@*****.com. All these newsletters used to appear in either Primary or Promotions tabs.

But, now they are directly appearing in Trash without my notice. Before this started happening, I created an account in to unsubscribe from some newsletters. And from the very next day, this Trash problem started happening.

How can I stop this from happening?

Best Answer

It sure sounds like the otherinbox service is doing this. If you revoke otherinbox's access to your inbox, the problem should go away:

  1. Go to
  2. Find otherinbox on the list, and click on it
  3. From the right-hand sidebar, click Revoke access

If you cannot find otherinbox in the list, you must have given it access to your inbox some other way (perhaps by giving them your Gmail password?). In that case, change your Gmail password to lock out otherinbox.