Gmail – How to (Un)Star All Messages in Conversations View


Is there a keyboard shortcut or keyboard combination to (un)star all messages of a conversations thread in conversations view (i.e. not from the inbox view)?

star/unstar all messages using a keyboard shortcut

Best Answer

I'm afraid there isn't.

The closest that you can get with straight-up Gmail is to

  1. Hit S to "star" the current message
  2. Hit N (or P) to move the focus to the Next (or Previous) message in the conversation
  3. Go to step #1; repeat until you run out of messages

Not ideal for more than half-a-dozen or so messages, since when fully collapsed ("show X more messages") the focus seems to pick one in that bunch at random rather than expanding the bunch so you can see all of the stars. It's also a bummer if you use multiple stars, since you need to hit S repeatedly to cycle through them.