Gmail – How to use Gmail’s “Send Mail As” with another Gmail account through SMTP without “On Behalf Of”


Related to this question, I want to remove the "On Behalf Of" when I send an email from another Gmail account via the web ui. So, as of now, my email is being shown as From on behalf of When inputting the email into the settings, Gmail appears to detect that the email is another Gmail account and does not ask you whether or not to use another SMTP server. Anyone has any ideas on how I can get around this?

Best Answer

Alright, I figured one way to do this. In order for this to work you need an email account without an address. I used a Google Apps account, but another service provider's should be fine as well (e.g.,, etc.). The key is, that when you press the "Next Step" button in the "Add another email address you own", it must ask you the "Send mail through your SMTP server?" question. If it does not, you must use some other email provider.

Here are the steps:

  1. Press the Send mail from another address button.
  2. For the email address, enter in a non-gmail address that you own. It doesn't mater which one you choose, no one will see it. The only thing that is important is that you can access it.
  3. Press Next Step.
  4. Choose to Send through [] SMTP servers.
  5. Enter in the credentials for the other gmail account you want to send as:
    • SMTP server:
    • Username: (the other gmail address you want to send as)
    • Password: (the password to login to the above gmail address)
    • Use SSL
    • Port: 465
  6. Press Add Account
  7. Verify the address by clicking on the link that was sent to you.
  8. Send an email message, and choose to send it as that temporary account from step 2.

Even though you chose to send as the address from step 2, it will appear as the email address you chose from step 5. This is more of a temporary workaround, since this seems like a bug in Gmail, which may be fixed sometime in the future.