Gmail – How to View an Attached Email


If I receive an email, where somebody has attached an .eml file, how do I view that in Gmail?

I'm presented with a link to "View as Text" or "Download". If I "View as Text", I get the raw view of the email as I'd get with "Show Original" of a normal mail, but I'd like to see the formatting, attachments, etc., of the attached mail.

What does work is to save the file as file.eml, and then open that file in Thunderbird. But I'd like to avoid needing Thunderbird…

This is the reverse of Sending a new mail with another email as an attachment in Gmail.

Best Answer

This is a known issue with all of Google's services. They do not support the .eml or the less common .mht, both of which are known and established formats. In this case it has been (for years now) one area that all the others (Microsoft, Apple, Mozilla, and most of the rest of the community) are ahead of Google on. The only option, aside from convincing Google to support it, appears to be to either bear with the extra info and read it as a raw text file or to save it and open it with almost any other email client, such as Thunderbird or Outlook.