Gmail – How to Add Image Beside Text in Email Signature


I found here how to copy an HTML signature to a Gmail address: Insert HTML markup into Gmail signature

I would like to get something like this:(image is hosted on a server):

enter image description here

However, I did not manage to align the image left of the text with the Rich Text editor. Is this possible? That's what I managed so far:

enter image description here

Best Answer

you can create customized HTML table at:


<td><img src="">



Aerys II Targaryen<br/>
<b>House of Targaryen</b> - Dragonstone<br/>
<a href=""></a>



and then copy/paste this code to the signature box by force:

  • first, right-click on the signature box and select Inspect

  • then right-click on the highlighted div and select Edit as HTML

  • paste your HTML code between div tags and click into signature box again when done and press SPACE key otherwise code won't be accepted as input