Gmail – import the IMAP sent folder from another account without creating duplicates


I have an email account that supports IMAP and I also have a Gmail account. I want to import a folder from the email account that supports IMAP to Gmail (my sent messages folder).

This Lifehacker article suggests a solution for that. Basically, you take a mail client, set up IMAP for both Gmail and the account, and then drag the folder into the Gmail account. This sounds okay, but the thing is that I want the Sent folder to be synchronized with the Gmail account.

I don't mind every once in a while dragging the Sent folder to Gmail folder manually, but my question is – will it create duplicates from the Sent folder in the Gmail account?

Best Answer

Google's duplicate matching is based on the Message-ID: header. As long as they're truly the same message duplicates will not be created.

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