Gmail – In G Suite, how do do you block an entire domain of senders


I have a blocked senders list set up for gmail in my G Suite domain. Included in that list are entire domains. However, I still receive messages that have have email addresses with that domain in the from field. Is there something special that needs to be done to block all senders from a domain?

I am asking as a G Suite Administrator. I want to block a domain from sending emails to my domain using the G Suite Administration app. I am blocking the senders by going to Apps > G Suite > Gmail > Advanced Settings > Blocked senders.

Best Answer

  1. Login as Admin to the G Suite admin console. Go to Apps -> G Suite - Gmail -> Advanced Settings.
  2. Scroll down to "Blocked Senders" and click on "edit" to the right.
  3. Here you will create a name for the blocking rule, a blocked address/domain list, and a message to send back to blocked senders.
  4. Press save to save your changes. They go into effect immediately.