Gmail – In GMail, is there any way to search for “long” emails that I have written


Over the years, I've written a number of long emails to folks in GMail, and in some of them I think there were some interesting ideas I'd like to go back and look at and possibly do something with.

What I'd like to do is view all of my "sent mails" in GMail which are reasonably lengthy- at least 500 words (not including quoting of previous emails in the chain) This would at least help me separate out the interesting in-depth mails from the far more numerous shorter ones.

Is there any way I can do this with the mail stored in my GMail account?

Best Answer

You can search for a message by size (as in file size). For instance, guessing an average word length of 4 characters, we can search for messages of 2000+ bytes (500+ words):

in:sent larger:2K

Unfortunately, this includes text and attachments. You can exclude attachments with -has:attachment:

in:sent larger:2K -has:attachment

Then you can adjust my 2K guess to get longer message (20K), or shorter (900).

source: Gmail Help: Advanced search