Gmail – Prevent Label List from Auto-Collapsing


In Gmail's new UI, is there a way to prevent the "label list", or whatever you call it, from automatically collapsing whenever I'm not hovering over it with mouse/trackpad? This is what I mean (here shown collapsed):

enter image description here

I find it annoying to have to hover over a quite small area, in this case the "Starred" text, to be able to see & click on my labels and stuff like Sent Mail, Drafts, and All Mail.

I looked around in Settings, but didn't find anything that affects this. (In case this is some kind of bug, I'm using Chrome on a Mac.)

Best Answer

Hover over the line under Starred. Upon hover, three little dots will appear (see screenshot below). Click on it/them and then drag downwards.

Normal state:                            Hover state:
enter image description here       enter image description here