Gmail – Is it be possible to get the redesigned Gmail on business accounts


I have a Google account which is provided by my school. The new (redesigned) version Gmail has many useful features, such as being able to snooze emails and a better user interface for performing actions I take very frequently.

Is there a way to enable the new redesign for business accounts, such as mine? I did not find the same button to enable it in the settings dropdown menu as I did with my personal account.

Best Answer

Yes it is, but you should be patient as the G Suite admin of each organization should migrate their users or to wait until it's generally available.

From New Gmail now generally available

Options for moving your users to the new Gmail

As a G Suite admin, you can migrate your users to the new Gmail at a pace that makes sense for your organization. Starting now, the following options are available in the Admin console:

(Follow the above link to learn the available options)