Gmail – Is it possible to have Gmail check before an email is sent out to a certain address, to see if that address is the one the sender really wants


An administrator mistakenly sent out an email to the address group for everyone in the network instead of just to the person that they intended. The email contained sensitive information and there was a lot of trouble over this. I would like to know if there is a way to check (such as a text box with "Are you sure you want to send this?" or something like Mail Goggles, which I have seen but doesn't appear to work with Gmail now) before sending out an email to specific addresses, in order to avoid this happening again.

Best Answer

I'm not aware of any way of running a script or such when sending an email, an alternative might be using "Undo Send" in Gmail Labs.

Go to settings:

Gmail settings

Go to the labs tab and enable "Undo Send": Labs, Undo Send

When you have sent an email you will be given the option to undo it for a while. Undo