Gmail – Is it possible to mark every email sent from Gmail (eventually if with a specific label) as unread + MOVE TO INBOX


As per the title?

Is it possible to mark every email sent from Gmail (eventually if with a specific label) as unread + MOVE TO INBOX?

I looked into several options (fitlers, set labels at sending time..) but none of this works to:

  • set as unread
  • move to inbox


Best Answer

Try using


In the search box

Alternatively select All mail from your labels list, you may have to click the drop down triangle in "More..." To make it visible.

This search will not include trashed emails, if you want to include them first untrash them or use the search

in:all AND is:trashed

tip: you can use any search directives (what you would type on the search box) directly on the "has the words:" field, and it will override any selections made on the filter creation form! just test the search and click "create filter with this search", your arbitrarily complex search directive will generate a filter.