Gmail – How to Send Email to Many People with Only Their Address in To Field


I am looking for a way in Gmail to send group email to multiple recipients, but each recipient only sees his/her own email address in the "To:" field. I know I can put all recipients' email addresses in the "Bcc:" field, but the recipients will then see their own email address only in the "Bcc:" field, while the "To:" field becomes empty.

I have seen this can be done, but I am not sure if Gmail has been used, or if this has been assisted by third-party software / program.

I also found this related question, but it is for Outlook only, and the URL given in the answer seems to be outdated:

Best Answer

One option would be to use mail-merge from Outlook which is suggested in the linked answer (link).

Another would be to set up a macro to schedule a mail. Have a look at this answer

A Gmail account can be suspended permanently for spam mails, so be careful (link).

Suggested by @LaBird-Mail-merge tutorial for gmail