Gmail – Is it possible to teach Gmail to auto-hyperlink words in the body of an email


I'm finding that I often write emails where the same words or phrases need to be hyperlinked to the same site every time I type them.

I'm not talking about typing out website names that I want to be hyperlinked ("You should visit because it's awesome!"), but rather, actual words / phrases ("It's an awesome [network of sites]", where "network of sites" is linked to

Does anyone know if there is a way to do this? I'm envisioning something like autocorrect for spelling, something where I can teach the tool "Every time I type [x], link to [y]."

Is this even possible from a technical standpoint? I've looked to see if there's a Chrome extension or something in Google labs that will do this, but to no avail.

Best Answer

A very simple low-tech work-around is to maintain a file (e.g., Word, outlook task, etc.) with a list of these hyper-linked phrases and copy-paste the one you need into Gmail.

Another option that should work in most email clients like outlook is to define a simple signature for each such hyper-link.