Gmail – Is it possible to use Base64 image in Gmail Signature


I couldn't get it working. Base64 is accepted at the time of creating signature & the image also displays in compose window, but recipient of email do not see any image.

But it will be helpful as currently images in Gmail Signature can be only referred by URLs. So base64 image format is an option but not sure if its supported.

Best Answer

You can add HTML to Gmail by using a simple trick.

  • Write something into the signature part. Lets say you write "changeme"
  • then inspect that element
  • then click the whole <div>changeme</div>
  • right click
  • edit as HTML
  • paste your code
  • inspect something else.
  • Change a letter into your signature with something else and replace it back so Google can detect that you changed the signature.
  • Save
