Gmail – Keyboard shortcut for indenting bulleted list in Gmail message editor with Mac

gmailkeyboard shortcuts

How to indent a bulleted list in Gmail message editor with Mac, Chrome & Finnish keyboard?

Bulleted list can be toggled with Shift++8 -> Works OK.

Gmail editor's button has tooltip with shortcuts +[ (indent) +] (de-indent). However, I haven't been able to succesfully do that since in Mac Chrome those shortcuts are mapped for for History -> Back & History -> Forward

Something I've tried:

  • Plain [ & ] can be entered with Alt+7 & Alt+8 on my keyboard
  • +[ & +]: History -> Back & History -> Forward
  • Alt++7 / Alt++8 : Nothing
  • Shift+Alt++7 / Shift+Alt++7 : Selects previous/next tab
  • +7 : Changes to 7th tab
  • +/ (in Finnish keyboard +Shift7) : Opens "Help" menu at Mac menu bar.

Not so crucial but would speed up email writing every now and then.

Best Answer

I am able to use the following shortcuts:

  • Indent: Command + }
  • Outdent: Command + { or Enter