Gmail – Mark message as read when archiving


I just switched from my email hosting providers web mail interface to Gmail.
One feature I miss is being able to tell the app to mark messages as read when I archive them.

Example: (In Gmail)

I don't read every message I receive. For most of them, I just look at the subject line or the sender. Then, I bulk-select all messages I don't want to read and archive them all. However, they are still marked as unread in the Gmail "All Mail" view.

Is there a way to tell Gmail that, when I archive a message (or multiple), I want them to a) be moved to the archive folder and b) I want Gmail to mark them all as read?

Best Answer

You can do this with keyboard shortcuts.

With the messages you want to mark as read and archive selected, simply hit Shift+I then E.

The first marks the messages as read, the second archives them.

Keyboard shortcuts for Gmail