Gmail – New Gmail copy/paste adds space before and after


It's been a few days now and nothing has changed, but here's the problem:

  • Compose a new mail
  • Write a few words, let's do this for the explanation: "---------------"
  • Go straight in the middle, select one character
  • Cut it with Shift + Del (very classical way)
  • Now paste it with Shift + Ins (very classical way)

And here's the result:

select one char

after copy then paste the char

And this behavior is the same in general: you cut + want to paste, Gmail adds space after, and sometimes (yes, sometimes not all the time!) before too.

How do I get it to stop doing that?

Best Answer

I found the switch to shut this off.

Next to the garbage can icon at the bottom of the Gmail editor window is a down-arrow that brings up a list of options. One of these options is:

Plain text mode

If this mode is unchecked (not active) then you get all the annoying spaces inserted when you paste text. By checking this option, the behavior returns to normal editing conventions.

I have no idea why this option exists.