Gmail – ny reason to enable IMAP on Gmail? Works either way


Gmail has an option where you can enable IMAP, I'm using G-Suite, so not sure if this is available in the free version or not, but I noticed whether or not I enable this I can connect to Gmail without problems.

I have read that this may be because Gmail naturally runs over IMAP, but then what's the point of having the option to enable/disable it – is there any difference?

Also, I have read there are some security concerns if you enable it – but isn't it working all the time anyway as discovered?

Edit: I am using Thunderbird as an IMAP client to connect to it from my desktop.

Best Answer

Unless you're using a third-party mail client that uses IMAP, no, there's no point in having IMAP turned on. In fact, to keep your mailbox more secure, you should keep it off.