Gmail opens PDFs in Google Docs Viewer. Is it possible to disable this


In any browser I open, gmail has this annoying "feature" that previews pdf files (I haven't tested other files) in google docs viewer. This is inconvenient because when I try to print, it opens a new tab and I have to hit print again to open the print menu.

Does anyone know how to disable the Docs Viewer so that I click on a document it opens in a new tab in one click?

Otherwise, is there a way to view the document in the Docs Viewer and access the print menu straight away, skipping the new tab in the first place?

Best Answer

When I click on the "print" icon in the docs viewer it opens a new tab with the print menu already pulled up, see screenshots below. I'm using Google Chrome on a Macbook.

Clicking on the print icon boxed in red:

enter image description here

Opens the print menu in a new tab: enter image description here

To disable docs viewer, you can try this old workaround:

Or try this: