Outlook.com – Can’t Delete Gmail Contact with Synchronization Link Deleted


I synced Gmail in outlook.com to use Gtalk one week ago.

My contacts are being synchronized with Gmails, I wanted to remove the synchronization link between my two accounts to clean my contacts on outlook.com because I don't want Gmail contacts in my outlook.com contacts.

The problem is that after a week without synchronization, link deleted on the two accounts, my Gmail contacts are still in my list on outlook.com.
It is impossible to delete a contact on outlook.com because according to the website, the contact is managed via Gmail.

Frustrated, I even deleted all of my Gmail contacts, but they stay in outlook.com and can't delete them.

I tried posting on the Microsoft forum but it does not work.
I hope you can help me.

Someone know how I can delete contacts (in outlook.com) added by my synchronization with Gmail?

Best Answer

I had the same problem! I had to disconnect and re-sync and disconnect for it to finally get rid of them.


Manage accounts

Remove Connection Completely.
It should take a moment and then the contacts should disappear. if it doesn't work re-connect to Gmail again and disconnect again. otherwise I have no idea how I got it to finally work. (I think you have to be under the manage acct. for it to read the action.)