Gmail – POP is enabled from 2006, want to have it marked enabled from 2005


I have been using Gmail since mid 2005 and didn't realize that I had to activate POP manually. So my POP access is enabled only from 2006 November. With the recent outages, I want to backup using POP and not IMAP cause that doesn't do much anyway.

Is there anyway I could get Google to reset my POP Access enabled date to 2005 from 2006? I know it sounds crazy.

Best Answer

If you want to backup your Gmail, it's perfectly fine to do it using IMAP.

In Windows, try with Gmail Backup. In Linux, offlineimap is excellent software for that.

As of POP settings, in Gmail->Mail settings->Forwarding and POP/IMAP, you can choose POP settings

That should enable access to earlier emails too.