Gmail – Hangouts and Filters Problem Solution


I've set up filter in Gmail to label all mails/chats/hangouts with my wife. Filter is quite simple:

  • set label "Wife"
  • never send to spam

But now every chat/hangout message goes to main Inbox, not only to “Chat” folder (it is not archived—I don't want this). When I apply “skip the inbox” command, both chats and mails go directly to “Wife” directory and then my Android phone doesn't inform me about new mail.
This is quite annoying. Is there a way to solve this situation and split mail and chat filters?

Best Answer

I had the same problem, and found this Q&A. When I went to run some tests, I discovered that Gmail had added a checkbox for just this issue called "Don't include chats" (see screenshot of Search Options drop-down menu). I've been using this for almost a week and it seems to work.

enter image description here