Gmail – Quotes as signatures in Gmail using Evernote


Long ago, I used to store my favorites quotes in a .sig file that I would send as signatures in emails. I now want to integrate the quotes into my Gmail messages but I'm not sure of how to go about this.

If I was using something like Evernote would it be possible to have tagging, import/export from/to .sgi file and ultimately integrate those quotes in my GMail email signatures?

Best Answer

Here's one way to solve this problem, using a combination of Evernote and the Wisestamp browser extension (available for both Firefox and Chrome). The features needed are available in the free versions of these tools.

Evernote allows you to create a public notebook. That notebook comes with an RSS feed. You can also use Evernote's tags to organize your quotes, but I don't know if those tags will be accessible in any way in the RSS feed.

Then, you can use Wisestamp's RSS App to add the latest quote to your Gmail signature. I don't think this gives you a way to cycle or randomize the quotes though.