Gmail quotes in other clients

gmailtext formatting

I recently sent an email reply through Gmail that included an inline quote from the previous message.

In Gmail, this displays as I'm accustomed to seeing quotes: purple text, vertical bar in the left margin.

The recipient was confused and didn't realize there was a quote. Investigating, I found that the raw text (by using "show original") has nothing to delineate that there is a quote. Is there a way to force Gmail to include a > to guarantee proper handling of the quote by recipients mail clients?

I continue to have this problem. It appears that the plain text contains no quote information, but there is quote information in the HTML.

Best Answer

Is there a way to force Gmail to include a > to guarantee proper handling of the quote by recipients mail clients?

Yes there is: Use plain text mode for writing your reply.

If you need rich text, instead tell your readers where begins and end a quote. The simplest way is just to be explicit about that you are including a quote.

Example 1 (use quotation marks)
Albert Einstein once he said: “We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them”

Example 2 (use --- or any other marker before and after the quoted text)

Albert Einstein once he said:
We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them

How to have better quoting in Gmail?