Gmail Attachments – How to Replace Gmail Attachments with Dropbox or Google Drive Links


Is there any service, extension or webapp that scans all my incoming and existing email and uploads all attachments within the emails to Dropbox or Google Drive?

This would allow for smaller inboxes and attachments would not pollute multiple email accounts. Also, it would make further processing of the email easier (e.g.: create a GitHub issue from emails).


Any hints will be appreciated!

Best Answer

Kloudless for Chrome provides such a service. Except they currently don't offer support for past emails. According to their FAQ:

Automation does not work for past emails at this time. We do think this is a great feature, and we plan on supporting it soon.

If you are interested in using automation on your entire account, please contact us at

You can, however, do this manually. After installing the chrome extension and signing in, you will see a link to Copy/Move the attachment, next to the link to Download it.