Gmail – How to Resend an Email to a List of Addresses in Bcc


I sent an email to several addresses, that I put in the "Bcc" field. Now I want to send another email to the same addresses. How can I do this? I tried "reply", but it replies only to me—I didn't find a "reply all" option. I tried copying&pasting but got strange errors about "unidentified addresses".

Best Answer

If you sent the email using a mail client (Outlook, Thunderbird, etc) then I believe you are out of luck as most of these strip out the BCC fields upon sending. If you sent it from the Gmail site, then you can recover the addresses.

To do so, go to the Sent folder and select the message, then click the dropdown arrow in the bcc: field location.

enter image description here

The popout window this provides will include all the addresses in the BCC field. You can copy these and then paste them into a new email to send to them again. Because you are copying from a "display" field, not truly an email field, you may unintentionally include extra characters or non-email words (display names, etc). When you paste into a new email, check to see which Gmail has recognized as true email addresses and remove or correct any that it is unable to recognize. This should prevent any further "unidentified addresses" errors.