Gmail search query not returning all “Today’s” mails for Primary label


Say today is 12/12/2014 and I want to search all mails for Today only in my Primary label in Inbox. I type this query in Gmail search bar:

in: inbox -category:{social promotions updates forums}  after: 2014/12/11

With this I get all today's emails in my Primary label of Gmail inbox, except for few auto-generated emails, e.g. sending some autogenerated emails etc. Please tell me what modification I should do in my query above to get all missing email threads too in search result.

Best Answer

I realise that Gmail provides these 4 labels as part of Inbox: social, promotions, updates, forums.

So if a user has not selected to specifically see any of these 4 labels as tabbed category, then all those emails which should lie in that category will show up in Primary label of Inbox. In the below screenshot, as you can see, I have not selected "Updates" category in Gmail.

enter image description here

Example: If a user has chosen not to see "Updates" category, then all emails which should have shown up in that category will show up in Primary category. For this reason, if I query below in Gmail search bar expecting to see everything that is there in my primary category, I won't see all of those emails:

in: inbox -category:{social promotions updates forums}  after: 2014/12/11
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