Gmail – Send chat request to all Gmail users


I started my personal domain and configured Gmail to use as mail server. I imported all contacts from my old Gmail account to the new one. Now, how I can send chat request to all contacts from my new personal account? I know how to do it for a single contact, but repeating the same for thousands of contacts is tiresome. Is there any way to send the request to all Gmail contacts?

Best Answer

I have invited contacts to Google chat in 10 min with this. Here is the procedure to do it in smart way,

  1. Go to gmail web interface.
  2. Click on contacts.
  3. Search for ''.
  4. Now you will get list of all contact who have in it - Click on 'select all'
  5. Create group - name it 'allgmail' (You can name anything you want).
  6. Compose a new email
  7. Type allgmail and press enter. You will fine that all the contact who has is listed in TO: field.
  8. Now copy all these contact.
  9. If you are using Linux/Unix: If you have installed Gedit Open Gedit, paste it in gedit and save file as a.txt. Apply this command in Gedit:

    cat a.txt | sed -e 's/,/,\n/g' | sed -e 's/".*"//g' | grep -i > b.txt

    If you are using Windows Then you will have to download CYGWIN Install it and place the a.txt in the root folder of CYGWIN(where the installation folder is) .Run the exact same command in Cygwin Terminal.

    This fill filter out unwanted character from a.txt and save into b.txt.

  10. Now open b.txt. You will find all contacts who have in it.

  11. Send them invitations.

Hope this helps.