Gmail – How to Send Email to All Addresses in a Contact Group


I'm trying to send an E-mail message using Gmail to a contact group where some of the contacts have more than one E-mail address and I want to send the mail to all of them.

Is there a way for me to do that?

Best Answer

I'm going to assume you're talking about a single contact having more than one email address and you want to send to those email address if that contact is in a particular group.

To do this you must first manually add that contact's second/third/etc email address to the contact group. You can do this two ways:

If contact is already in the group

  1. Select Contacts
  2. Click the person
  3. Directly under the person's name you should see the group
  4. Click on the group label and add the additional address you want

If contact isn't in the group

  1. Click Contacts
  2. Click group name
  3. Click Add to group name
  4. Add the email addresses (you will do this twice for one contact if they have two addresses)

Now here's the trick: After manually adding multiple email addresses of the same contact to the group, instead of emailing through the groups pane, click Compose from the left hand navigation. In the To field, type your group name and hit enter. You should see all email addresses including multiple ones from a single contact.