Gmail – Sent mail still reflects old email name when I receive a response to message


I changed my account settings to reflect my newly sent mail with my name, and all my outgoing mail reflects this change. However, when people reply to messages, the message is addressed to the old send name.

For example, when I send a message with the new name it shows : From: Mary123 <>, however when I receive a reply from the person I sent the message to it shows the old name: To: 123Mary<>. How can I fix this with the mail I receive?

Best Answer

First, make sure your account is indeed set to display the correct name.

Visit this page to check your settings in GMail

Make sure the name and nicknames are correct.

Second, make sure the emails you are looking at are indeed replies to NEW mail you sent.

If someone replies to an old email, OR they create a new message to you from an pre-existing contact entry, then the chances are they will still have the old name.

Try asking that person to update their contact list if this is the case.

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