Gmail – Shared calendars: Gmail, Outlook, Palm pre


After googling for a few hours now, I thought of asking for help here. I'd like to achieve the following setup with some friends:

  • One shared calendar that everyone in the group can modify and access.
  • Possibility for each member to sync this calendar with a local Outlook calendar.
  • Solutions that can sync to mobile phones score bonus points
  • Should be free

Here are the solutions I've tried, and why they didn't work:

  • Exchange: We don't have exchange.
  • Gmail calendars: very powerful and flexible, but they can't sync to outlook (Gmail Calendar sync only syncs your main calendar)
  • Windows live calendars: Outlook connector has lots of bugs.

Could you maybe suggest a solution, preferably a simple one?

Best Answer

I've seen several people do this with Google Calendar -- don't use Gmail Calendar Sync, use gsyncit.