Gmail – Gmail SMS Notification Setup


Does anyone know if there's a free way to do the following on Gmail:

Send a text message (SMS) to a specific mobile number whenever a new email arrives. I'm not bothered if the SMS doesn't contain any part of the email, would just like a notification that an email has arrived so the laptop can be booted to check.

This is for my parents who have a very low-traffic account, usually go days without even looking at their laptop and don't have a smartphone, tablet or any other instant-on device (so checking is a bit of a chore).

Best Answer

Your use case seems to be ideal for If This Then That (IFTTT).

IFTTT is a service that lets you create powerful connections with one simple statement: if this then that.

So you could set up an IFTTT trigger which will send an SMS every time there's a new email. To make it easier for you, there's existing recipe. The recipe will send you an SMS containing the message:

Gmail :: {{FromAddress}} :: {{Subject}}

Just signup for IFTTT, head over to this recipe and click on Use This Recipe.