Gmail – How to Un-archive All Conversations and Emails


As the title says.

How can I go about un-archiving all 700 (or so) conversations in my Gmail account?

The reason for this is I have around 2500 in my Gmail account, I decided to go back and sort all of this using all of Gmail's features, labels, important or not icon, archiving etc.

But I need to un-archive everything in order to be able to do stuff in a better way (I think).

Best Answer

  1. Click the "All Mail" label
  2. Click the checkbox at the top of the list to select all the visible conversations
  3. At the top of the results should now be a message similar to

    screen shot after selecting "all"

    The "Select all..." bit is a link. Click it so that all conversations are now selected. (You'll get a message to that effect.)

  4. Click the "Move to Inbox" button

Et voilà!