Gmail Security – Does Unusual Activity Mean a Successful Connection?


I've noticed an unusual activity on my Gmail account:

 Inconnu     Viêt Nam (  14 nov. (il y a 1 jour)

What does it mean exactly?

  1. that a successful login has been made with full access to my account;
  2. a successful login has been made to the account, but Google has blocked the access before any access were possible;
  3. only an attempt, but the credentials have not been validated.

… or something else?

Best Answer

From Gmail Help:

Last account activity shows you information about recent activity in your mail. Recent activity includes any time that your mail was accessed using a regular web browser, a POP1 client, a mobile device, etc. We'll list the IP address that accessed your mail, the associated location, as well as the time and date.

That means your mail was definitely accessed. Gmail will not list any unsuccessful attempts, therefore you should immediately change your password and follow the security checklist!