Gmail – Way to automatically download or print attachments or URLs from emails with specific labels


More and more companies are sending electronic invoices.

  • Some do so by attachment,
  • others by embedding an URL to an on-line location.
    • For URLs, some require login or cookie, some don't.

I'm looking for a way to automate my Gmail so that for mails I (manually or automatically) mark with a certain label (like save-files or print-files) the files will be either saved, or printed.

Where should I get started?

I can put up a Windows VM behind firewall for this if needed.

Download probably suffices, as from there I should be able to print.

Best Answer

There's a nifty service called IFTTT (which stands for "If This Then That") that, among many other things, will allow you to create "Recipes" to automate certain tasks within certain "Channels".

Here's an example of an IFTTT recipe that saves "starred" Gmail attachments to an Evernote account. (Gmail and Evernote are just 2 of more than 160 "Channels" within IFTTT.)

And here's a recipe that adds Gmails labeled "To-do" to an iOS Reminders list.